Picture list of directory: New/New_1999_4_15
m62fv1.JPG (73351 bytes)
M62 bogies without wheels.
Date: 1997.
Location: Szombathely
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62fh2.JPG (90896 bytes)
The upper part of the Kolomna 14D40 crankcase and a crankshaft is seen on this picture.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62hf1.JPG (82073 bytes)
Kolomna 14D40 cylinder heads are seen on this picture.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62hf2.JPG (84306 bytes)
The lower parts of the cylinder heads are seen from the side of the combustion zone. Four exhausts valves circle the injector hole.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62hp1.JPG (72929 bytes)
The cylinder liners of the Kolomna 14D40 two-stroke engine.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62hr1.JPG (67264 bytes)
Driving rods of the Kolomna 14D40 engine (rods on the left side belong to another type). This engine uses an asymmetric driving system.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62ro1.JPG (24037 bytes)
The inner part of the scavenging blower of a Kolomna 14D40 engine.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Óvári Mihály
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62ro2.JPG (60126 bytes)
The scavenging blower of the Kolomna 14D40 two-stroke engine
Date: 1996.
Location: Tapolca
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62sz1.JPG (58595 bytes)
Two valves: the one ont he left isde is covered with charcoal, the right sided is covered with a precipitate from the cooling water appeared in the combustion zone.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62tc1.JPG (42166 bytes)
A traction motor of the M62 locomotive.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m62tu2.JPG (57687 bytes)
A scavenging turbine of a Kolomna 14D40 engine.
Date: 1996.
Location: Tapolca
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003ad.JPG (53853 bytes)
The fuel injector of M63,003 is V-shaped and situated between the cylinder blocks.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g2.JPG (79181 bytes)
The engine of the M63 locomotive.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g3.JPG (67473 bytes)
The diesel engine and a main generator.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g7.JPG (49693 bytes)
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g8.JPG (55149 bytes)
The 30 bar pressurized air reservoirs of the starting system.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g9.JPG (35115 bytes)
The starting air-driven motor of the M63 locomotive.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Óvári Mihály
Last update by: groh
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m63himba.JPG (81322 bytes)
The valve-moving system of the diesel engine.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g4.JPG (64118 bytes)
The scavenging pipe and the left sided intercooler is seen on this picture. On the left side the starting panel is seen.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003e1.JPG (63312 bytes)
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003fv.JPG (35613 bytes)
The bogie of the M63 locomotive is developed from the one of M40.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g1.JPG (50294 bytes)
The coolers are situated in the engine room of M63 locomotive.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g5.JPG (77535 bytes)
The scavenging pipes and the right sided intercooler. Above them the main cooling pipe is seen.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003g6.JPG (59872 bytes)
The scavenging turbine is seen on this picture.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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m63003ta.JPG (29456 bytes)
Tables of manufacturer on the sidewall of an M63 locomotive.
Date: 1996.
Location: Máv Északi Jj.
Photo: Gróh Werner Péter
Scan: Gróh Werner Péter
Last update by: groh
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Szili1007b.jpg (73940 bytes)
Date: 26. 01. 1999.
Location: Kiskunfélegyháza
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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Szili1010.jpg (83584 bytes)
Date: 28. 03. 1999.
Location: Kiskunfélegyháza
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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Szili1032.jpg (141393 bytes)
Date: 26. 02. 1999.
Location: Bp. Keleti
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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MDmot-3004.jpg (57280 bytes)
Date: 26. 03. 1999. 17:30
Location: Lakitelek
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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MDmot-3013.jpg (46329 bytes)
MDmot 3013 ready to depart with a passenger train to Szolnok.
Date: 28. 03. 1999.
Location: Szentes
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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MDmot-3014b.jpg (64117 bytes)
Date: 24. 02. 1999. 12:15
Location: Pörböly
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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MDmot-3015.jpg (81395 bytes)
Date: 26. 02. 1999. 12:57
Location: Bácsbokod-Bácsborsod
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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MDmot-3020.jpg (85123 bytes)
Date: 27. 03. 1999.
Location: Kunszentmárton
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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MDmot-3030.jpg (54934 bytes)
Date: 27. 03. 1999.
Location: Kunszentmárton
Photo: Borkovits Tamás
Scan: Borkovits Tamás
Last update by: borko
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If you have some questions, problems, suggestions or additions, please contact theV63 Gigant Club.